
Join A.Health’s Anxiety Rehab and get access to virtual reality therapy kits to fight anxiety

Scheduled Daily Therapy

Our Relax-in-VR program has daily therapies for the duration of your programme.

Daily activities help build up strength in the lungs over time.

Fun & Accessible

Who would have ever thought that exercising and COPD recovery would be fun?

Relax-in-VR has plenty of games and activities along with scheduled therapies to help improve engagement and encourages regular usage.

Easy For All Ages

A.Health’s Relax-in-VR is designed to be easy and effortless.

Anyone at any age can get started at the comfort of their homes.

Frequently Asked Questions

About A.Health’s Anxiety Rehab

Joining The Relax-in-VR Programme

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You can read more to learn about various topics such as ADHD, pulmonary rehabilitation, and more.


 A phobia is a type of anxiety disorder that causes an individual to experience extreme, irrational fear about a situation, living creature, place, or object.  When a person has a phobia, they will often shape their lives to avoid what…

Do I Have ADHD?

ADHD has become an identity, not just a disorder. We need a new way to talk about it.  We desperately need to find a new way to talk about attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.  In the past couple of years, we…

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder 

What is post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)?  Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a disorder that develops in some people who have experienced a shocking, scary, or dangerous event.  It is natural to feel afraid during and after a traumatic situation. Fear…

Asperger’s Syndrome

What is Asperger’s Syndrome?  People with autism spectrum disorder (previously referred to as Asperger’s syndrome) may benefit from early diagnosis and the use of support networks. Children with this condition who attend school may be eligible for individual education programs…


What is depression?  A Note From Concept Health Technologies Depression is a common condition that affects millions of people every year. Anyone can experience depression — even if there doesn’t seem to be a reason for it. The good news…

How To Manage Anxiety

What Can I Do To Manage My Anxiety? An anxiety disorder is like any other health problem that requires treatment. You can’t will it away. It’s not a matter of self-discipline or attitude. Researchers have made a lot of progress…


What is anxiety?  Occasional anxiety is a normal part of life. Many people worry about things such as health, money, or family problems. But anxiety disorders involve more than temporary worry or fear. For people with an anxiety disorder, the…

Falls and Broken Bones in Over 65s: Causes and Prevention 

Understanding the Gravity of Falls: Preventing Accidents, Protecting Lives A simple accident like tripping on a rug or slipping on a wet floor can change your life. If you fall, you could break a bone, which thousands of older adults…

Behavioural Problems in Children & How to Manage Them 

All young children can be naughty, defiant, and impulsive from time to time, which is perfectly normal. However, some children have extremely difficult and challenging behaviours that are outside the norm for their age.  Behavioural problems in children can manifest…

Managing ADHD in Children: Tips for Mothers

As a mother of a child with ADHD, you may often find yourself facing unique challenges in maintaining a calm and organized household. However, with the right strategies and a supportive approach, you can help your child thrive and develop…

ADHD Management and Care: A Guide for Mothers and Children  

How To Manage ADHD This article aims to provide guidance to mothers and children regarding the organization of their everyday lives, as well as tips on caring for children with ADHD. By implementing strategies and adopting a supportive approach, mothers…

Parenting a Child With ADHD 

Tips and Tricks to Understand and Help Your Child’s ADHD Problems  As a mother of a child with ADHD, understanding and effectively managing their ADHD-related challenges can significantly impact their well-being.  1. Educate Yourself Read reputable books, articles, and online…

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